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November 10th, 2012

In the wake of the debilitating impact of the Hurricane Sandy, IMEC continues to send it thoughts and well wishes to those affected.  While many of us have been personally affected as well, we continue our focus on being a powerful positive on the youth in our community.  IMEC donated a literal truckload of food and provisions to provide relief of those affected.  The event in conjuction with Hot 97 help over 4000 people, and earning our humble organization a mention by Lisa Evers.  You can do your part as well, by aiding many great organizations such as the Red Cross, or by simply volunteering or providing a helping hand to a neighbor in need.  As we continue to rebuild to a brighter stronger future, we here at IMEC remind you that the best of us can be found in our youth and our community.

September 22nd, 2008
IMEC Inc continues its website revamp.  We have recently added a new item, Entertainment, to the menu.  This will be the source of humor, movies, music and pop-culture for the Youth In Our Community.  You will also find a variety of games including Sudoku, Hexagon, and Tetris.
September 20th, 2008
IMEC Inc is pleased to announce it recently participated in Macy's Shop For a Cause event.  Participants were able to receive up to a 20% discount while shopping at Macy's department stores, or online at macys.com, after $5 dollar donation to the organization.  For those of you missed the opportunity to participate, you can still contribute to the organization by donating to IMEC.
July 16th, 2008

IMEC Inc. has launched their new website  As part of our ongoing efforts to increase to better serve our community, IMEC Inc. has revamped their website.  We focused on making our website more accessible to the public at large, provide greater access to our services, and developing innovative ways to interact with our community.

And this is just the beginning.  We will continue bring new features that enhace our visitor experience as we strive to further our mission

August, 2006
IMEC Inc., in conjuction with the Long Island Volunteer helped to organize their annual Prom Boutique.  The Prom Boutique, organized by Jane and June, provides dresses, shoes, makeup and accessories for young ladies and men who were preparing for their proms.
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